About this Blog

Hello everyone,

This blog, created on Boxing Day 2016, is an attempt at navigating the Maltese food and restaurant scene in an honest, independent way. The views published are my own, and no sponsorships are given/taken. Furthermore, the review is a snapshot of the experience had - meaning that the place reviewed might fare differently on other occasion.

The blog was born out of a need to have a place to catalogue dining experiences, which are not limited by genre or price range. The aim is to be as comprehensive as possible, with a personal touch.

Pinned to the top right hand side of the blog is a post listing places I still need to visit; let's call it motivation.

I hope you enjoy reading this and that it may be helpful if you are looking for a place to eat on this small island called Malta.

A Maltese Foodie (AMF)

 food blog, restaurants in Malta, Malta, restaurants, food, foodie, eating out, guide, food trucks, dining


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