New York Best

It was an unassuming October morning in Malta, and there I was stuck in morning commute traffic. All of a sudden a clip of sunshine burst through the radio. It was the teaser for what was to become Malta's viral sensation - singer Clinton Paul's song and advert for one of Malta's most popular burger joints, New York Best.

The video has been seen over 50,000 times, in fact, let's watch it again: CLICK HERE. It is guaranteed to brighten up the dullest of days, or the saddest of moods.

We are not strangers to New York Best, and squeeze in a visit every so often. We usually go for a burger - single, double or triple if we dare! Anything with bacon jam usually gets my thumbs up, and the NYB burgers get both thumbs up. We've tried as many as we can, but gravitate towards a couple of favourites such as the juicy lucy, or a good old (cheese)burger. The burgers are always perfectly pink in the middle - no complaints from us here about that (this is a reference to a notorious incident when a woman filed a complaint that the burger was raw because it was still pink in the centre. Que the scoffing of all of Malta's foodies).

The burgers are always good, and they're always gobbled up in a matter of minutes. The french fries are excellent, and I sometimes like to be naughty and treat myself to a smooth and creamy (vanilla) milkshake. Delish!

I've tried my best to also taste other things off the menu. The pizza is good even though eclipsed by the burger. The meatball pizza with salsa verde remains my favourite from the pizza section. I remember the pizza menu when it was still quite small, and I am happy to see this section of the menu grow, since it can only attest to the growing popularity of the pizza here.  The guys at NYB take pride in their sourdough. I would choose a burger over a pizza anyday however. 

They also make a mean hot dog. The falafel sub is also tasty - there's that salsa verde again. But the star of the show, in my most humble opinion, remains the burger.

Another thing I like about NYB is that they stock Brooklyn Lager. It always washes down well with a good burger. But please folks, drink responsibly.

All in all, I cannot not recommend NYB - it is just right if you want a quick meal, good quality, prompt service and overall one of the best burgers on the island.

It's easy to get to NYB, their four locations are: University of Malta, Sliema, Junior College and Paceville.


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